Wednesday, March 6 at 7pm Book Talk with author René Armstrong: Wings And a Ring: Letters of War and Love from a WWII Pilot - When René Armstrong's husband found a box of 295 letters in a junk store, he had no idea the profound piece of history in his possession. Thus began a journey to discover who these two young people were who met on a blind date, communicating to each other over three years in the only way this era could afford - through love letters that encompassed two continents. Enhanced with official, now declassified government documents, the love story of J.R. and Elnora unfolds as he writes to the love of his life from the jungles of New Guinea.

Since the
book's release in September 2011, Rene' has presented at the National Museum of
the Pacific War, libraries, book clubs, galleries, book stores, service
organizations, and Chambers of Commerce. The book was selected for
Baytown's Sterling Library's "One Book One Baytown" summer read
event. She appeared on the Great Day Houston television show and has been
interviewed on radio. In August 2012, she was a featured author at the
Experimental Aviation Association's Air Venture Show in Oshkosh, WI.
She will be
sharing some rarely-seen historic film footage of the 345th Bomb
Group and will talk about the daily life of a WWII pilot in the jungles of New
letters below are from Rene’s book Wings
and a Ring:
JANUARY 15, 1944
Methinks you are tearing your hair out
again, but the truth of the matter is that I have been in Sydney for another
week. I may sound like a lucky man, but
the truth is, I was sent there. I didn’t ask to go.
I suppose I may as well tell you why, as
you probably will find out sooner or later. You’ve heard that song “Comin’ in
on a Wing and a Prayer”? Well, that’s
me, and oh how I prayed. We really had
it bad, but I was extremely fortunate and only got a few small scratches on the
back of my legs. Some weren’t so fortunate. We crash-landed and some fun. Oh
well, I’m alright—I was in the first place, but they said, “You need a rest.”
Who am I to argue?
I had a great time as usual, but not so
much money. The weather reminded me very much of Houston, and the mosquitoes
were tough there too. We rented a car and dashed wildly all over town. We were
really good driving down the left side of the road and the steering wheel and
gearshift on the wrong side of the car.
We would sail down the street and if anyone got in our way we would
yell, “Look out—Yank driving.” One taxi cab driver really gave me a laugh. He
gave me one of the wildest rides I’ve ever had, and when I asked where he had
learned to drive like that, he answered in a very Aussie accent, “Oh, I’m from
Texas.” I knew you would have really appreciated that.
I wanted to go swimming while I was there,
but the beaches were having an epidemic of sharks and they don’t really appeal
to me. They are man-eaters, and they
come right onto the shore. They are only about fifteen feet long. Not exactly
I did see a very good show while I was
there. It was Best Foot Forward with Lucille Ball. I suppose you have already seen it, and I
hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. I also was able to see Bing Crosby in Dixie. I’m not much behind, am I?
An odd thing happened to me while I was
there. When I was in California, I met another boy in the Air Corps and a Lt.
in the Navy. We used to have a good time
together in the bar of the Senator Hotel in Sacramento. That was before I left
the West Coast. Believe it or not, I was in the Australia Hotel in Sydney, and
I saw both of them coming over to meet me. Small world, isn’t it? I really
didn’t do a great deal while I was there. Just drink beer and eat to my heart’s
content. It’s wonderful.
What I’d like to know is where you have
been. I haven’t had many letters from you at all. I suppose moving had
something to do with it. Good Lord, but I’ve missed you, Elnora. Even in the
big city, I couldn’t get my mind off of you for an instant. You can imagine how
much I think about you up here. Every time I look at your picture, I could slug
myself for not having married you before I left.
My pretty, how could you make me fall so
in love with you? Of course, I’ll have to admit it was my own free will. Anyhow
it’s done, even if it took a war to do it.
I think I’ll close, dear, as it’s very
late. I have so much to tell you—mainly how much I love you and how lovely you
are. I’ll write again tomorrow and more too. Night, darling. I love you with
all my heart—
Always, J. R.
Another month, and another pay day. I drew
my usual $100 and, as usual, I have no place to spend it. Never did I think that
I could be in a position like that, but I have been for quite a while. I do
manage to get rid of it quite easily in Sydney—spent two months pay in a week.
Quite a system, isn’t it?
The mail has really been messed up the
past few days. No one seems to be getting any, and I can’t say that it pleases
us. I should receive quite a batch in the near future.
We had quite a time at the picture show
the other night. The film broke several
times, and the sound gave out once or twice. Just when things were going
smoothly, the air raid alert sounded and we had to black out. It lasted about
thirty minutes, but no planes came over. By the time the show was over it was
nearly midnight. Oh yes, I forgot to mention it rained intermittently during
the proceedings. Some fun.
This has really been one exciting day. The
morning consisted of finishing a book I began several days ago, and during the
afternoon I played volleyball and cards. Took a shower, ate supper, and here I
am. Next thing I know I’ll be talking to myself. Don’t know what I’ll do this
evening. I guess I’ll have to dig up something to read.
If you are worrying about your income tax,
think about me. I think I have a pretty good-sized exemption because I am
overseas, but I’m not too sure. I should have married you and used you for an
exemption. Now that’s a cold-blooded thing to say isn’t it?
I’m at a loss for anything to write this
evening. I’m more prone just to sit and daydream. I was thinking just now about
how lonely I used to feel some evenings in Greenville. I don’t know why I
detested that town so. I’ll never forget that New Year’s Eve there. I’ve never
felt so lost in my life. Perhaps I should have been better off drunk, but for
some peculiar reason I was sober. Then after a day’s flying, we go to eat
supper and the club would be filled with officers’ wives. It was really a very
pleasant place just before I left. I’m through will all that, and how well I
realize it now. All I want is to look
forward to seeing you at the end of the day. Come a Saturday night, and we’ll
go to the dance together. You’ll get to know many other girls just like
yourself, and the days won’t be long either. We won’t have to make so many
wishes, and just have a beautiful time. Pretty good daydream isn’t it, but it
isn’t beyond the realm of possibility. That’s why I like it.
There is quite a golf game going on
outside. They have one left-handed club and all the boys are right-handed
except one. They have fun anyhow as the game consists mainly of arguments.
I guess I’ll close, darling, and start my
search for something to read. I’ll probably have to canvass every tent in the
area. Night, darling, I’ll write more later on, or didn’t you know?
Always—my love, J. R.
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