Monday, July 30, 2012

3 poems by Robert P. Craig, Ph.D.

Robert P. Craig has earned a Ph.D. in Philosophy from Loyola University, and a Ph.D. in Cultural Studies from Wayne State University. He has taught philosophy at the University of Houston, and also in Malaysia, Indonesia, Beijing, and Saigon.  He has published 6 books of poetry with numerous other poems in print and online journals. He has also published 7 books in philosophy and has given around 230 professional papers in philosophy in the U.S., Europe, Asia, and China.

The Time Came 


The lowest note
of the organ
at Mass hearing
wonderous melodious
hymns is what I
touch all day. 


Spring moon
we embrace
as if I were a
shadow on the
Shadow Screen. 


Now it is night she
stares into a face
of parchment, dances
with words, praying
nearest the dawn: the
Chapel door is always open. 


A new dimension
manifests with the
wind on my face
and children on the
lawn, all this against
a motionless sky. 


I am time: settle in
with me: we can see peace
and make love together.



The moon
hung sharper 

harder framed
in clouds 

darker against
lights brighter: 

because last
night I 

dreamed of
you: and 

because I
dreamed the 

day was
complete total 

whole, splashed
around again 

and again
and festive: 

tonight we
may be 

electrified with
a pin 

of light
grasping gapping 

its way
back on 

a flat
black sea, 

Later That Afternoon

You are a river
that flows banking
over.  Despite all
adversities you must
stream scream like
Galveston Island.

You are like an
untwisted paperback
novel with empty
sheets of paper,
unnumbered: you fill
fuel it.  I hope I
can catch up. 

Poems by Robert P. Craig

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